Smarthink is an Educational Technology company aimed at developing the skills of the job market of the future, through technologies. It designs and deliver e-learning services for companies and training organizations. Smarthink key product is Edulai a platform able to assess and improve transversal skills such as: critical thinking, remote collaboration, problem solving etc.
Smarthink has been incubated by StartEd New York and Lazio Innova, and today is part of the Google Cloud for Startups Program. From 2022, Smarthink is an official member of the Edtech Italia ecosystem and Ecosistema Formazione Italia, an initiative addressed to enthusiasts of the education industry.
Our mission is to use technology for upskilling and reskilling workforce, in preparation to the job market of the future.
Our projects and services
Smarthink owns a specific expertise in the use of new technologies for educational purposes. We design and deliver e-learning training for skills development of candidates, employees and students; we assess market-related skills such as a remote working skills and we deliver digital badges when a skills is mastered. Our clients include HR departments, recruiters, universities and training institutions.
With Edulai Academy and our video-pills, companies can train their workers on topics such as soft skills, remote work, digital skills and much more. Our format is flexible, customizable and accessible by users at any time and anywhere.