Digital skills
Digital skills for companies
The module will raise awareness on the risks and protections available as a first line of defense, to ensure the security of information systems and networks
The value of data: Business Intelligence
The module will help users understand the composition of the data value pyramid and the contribution of BI to corporate strategies
Information Literacy
During the course, key concepts related to the identification, research, evaluation, organization and communication of information online will be learned
Critical use of social media and the Internet
With this course, users will be trained on a critical and conscious use of social networks, media and the Internet
Big Data & Open Data
With this training, crucial elements of Big Data and the Open Data approach for the construction of new services will be discussed
Digital identity and identity theft
During the training, users will acquire the skills necessary for a safe use of digital technologies
Our courses, delivered in collaboration with Associazione Culturale Format - Lead Partner Test Center AICA (Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico) - include part of the modules required for the issue of IT certifications. For some digital skills it is also possible to obtain a certificate after the successful completion of the examination(s).
Digital skills for schools
During the course, users will learn to use the network in a conscious way, understanding and preventing the risks associated with cyberbullying
Digital Civic Education
With this training experience, users will be guided in understanding the changes underway, for a full digital citizenship
Use of technologies for teaching in school
This path is based on the open school principle, where traditional tools can be combined with technologies
This path aims to promote the access right and active citizenship, to offer opportunities for cultural growth and contribute to the creation of a digital citizenship
Information Literacy
During the course, key concepts related to the identification, research, evaluation, organization and communication of information online will be learned
Digital identity and identity theft
With this course, users will acquire the skills necessary for a safe use of digital technologies
The module empowers users with the features of cybersecurity and raises awareness on the main types of cyber attacks
Privacy Officer
The training introduces the principles of personal data protection into European and national legislation
Critical use of social media and the Internet
In this module, users will be trained on a critical and conscious use of social networks, media and the Internet
Our courses, delivered in collaboration with Associazione Culturale Format - Lead Partner Test Center AICA (Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico) - include part of the modules required for the issue of IT certifications. For some digital skills it is also possible to obtain a certificate after the successful completion of the examination(s).
Digital skills for Public Authorities
The value of data: Business Intelligence
The module will help users understand the composition of the data value pyramid for understanding the dynamics of BI and relational databases
Critical use of social media and the Internet
With this course, users will be trained on a critical and conscious use of social networks, media and the Internet
Digital identity and identity theft
During the training, users will acquire the skills necessary for a safe use of digital technologies
Information Literacy
During the course, key concepts related to the identification, research, evaluation, organization and communication of information online will be learned
The module will raise awareness on the risks and protections available as a first line of defence to ensure the security of information systems and networks
Big Data & Open Data
With this training experience, crucial elements of Big Data and the Open Data approach for the construction of new services, will be deepened
Digital Transition Unit
This module offers a path to Digital Transition Units, for the development of a more efficient and easily accessible service network
This path aims to promote the access right and active citizenship, to offer opportunities for cultural growth and contribute to the creation of a digital citizenship
Digital Civic Education
With this course, users will be guided in understanding the changes underway, for a full digital citizenship
Our courses, delivered in collaboration with Associazione Culturale Format - Lead Partner Test Center AICA (Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico) - include part of the modules required for the issue of IT certifications. For some digital skills it is also possible to obtain a certificate after the successful completion of the examination(s).